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Sunday 30 June 2013


As you may know, my prom was this week (Friday night). It was absolutely amazing, the songs that were played were great, I had an insane time dancing with my friends, having photographs taken, and just seeing everyone look like kings and queens, the most beautiful they've ever looked.

I was so nervous leading up to it hahaa. I spent ages getting ready and choosing how I wanted my hair and nails to be. When I was finally ready my boyfriend came to the house with a corsage for me (aww) to have some photos taken before we had to get into our means of transportation

this be me and the boyfriend, our parents made us look at each other for the photo, it was so awkward ;D

me and my amazing mother when I arrived to prom

I don't even know what happened here, this was taken in the car on the way

they put balloons on the tables for us, how sweet

      the group :-) 

oh no ;-)

fave photo :-)

Loads of photos of were taken of everyone but I have no idea where we were supposed to get the photos from so they're still there at the hotel where prom took place and I don't know how to get them :/

Overall it was an amazing night that I'll never forget, getting to see everyone's dancing techniques for the first time ;)

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Friday 21 June 2013

iPhone and Prom!

got my iPhone that I've been waiting for for ages guys :) so happy, I seriously can't get off it. There's so many great apps. One of my favourites recently is an app called Relax Melodies.

Now this is the sorta thing that I probably wouldn't normally like, but it's melodies are so soothing and just relaxing.


Omg guys please help me, it came to my attention today that my senior school prom is next week. I'm so scared, I can't dance, what am I supposed to do? I guess I'm just going to end up standing in the corner trying to hide behind the curtains from all the other people. Sheesh kebab this is going to be awkward. 

Before my year of classmates left school we got given a slip of paper on which to write a song that we wanted requested at prom to have played... Now, I missed out on this because I couldn't think of a song... And I lost my slip. And it has just now occurred to me less than a week before prom which song I would have like to have played. Of course now it's too late to request it. It's a love song so I'm pinning my hopes on some other girly, lovey-dovey student picking it as their song choice. The song I am talking about is A Thousand Years - Christina Perri.

This is honestly one of (maybe THE) most beautiful songs I have ever heard. I can't even begin to explain how it makes me feel.

But yeah, it's seriously beautiful so if you haven't heard it, I suggest you give it a listen... or else, especially if you're a sad soppy teenage girl like me. 

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Sunday 16 June 2013

Madeline Hat and Fathers Day

Went out today for a meal for Fathers Day with my Dad and his girlfriend. Saw a waiter that looked a bit like Harry Styles so we kept calling him Harry. Couldn't seem to get his number, dammit ;)

Afterwards we went to visit Dad and his girlfriends shop that's opening in a couple of a weeks. Can't wait to help out there. It's kinda of a knick knack, furniture shop. They had a hat there that reminded me of the film Madeline :)

Hopefully getting my iPhone tomorrow, and maybe a nose piercing. Will keep updating :P

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Jealousy Themes

Sooo... who's been watching the new TV series Love and Marriage? I have and the newest episode really got me thinking about the theme of jealousy. It seems adults feel the same way about jealousy as us teenagers do. The hate and competitiveness between the two females and the connections passing between the husband and customer... Let's just say I can really relate to that right now.

I've always thought I was really childish when it came to stuff like this and getting jealous almost so easily, it's great to know that adults can also see it this way too.

So what have you guys been up to recently, any fave shows?

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Saturday 15 June 2013

Year 11 Leavers Video

So every year my teachers make a leavers video for the current year 11's who are leaving to go to college, do apprenticeships, whatever. This year is my video and it's here to share with you all

Friday 14 June 2013

Post School Blues...

So as I posted earlier, I have now left school! These are some photos from my school years and last days... Sorry that it's going to be quite long but I love these.

Last School Days

some of my last days at Lyndon

(boyfriend in the background, photo bombing)

me and the boyfriend :p

Barcelona Trip 2013

Every year, my school takes pupils to Barcelona. This was my last ever trip with school and commenced on my final day at school. This was difficult as there was the school leavers assembly for the year 11's and then the Barcelona trip. This day was real hard to do for some people (my boyfriend, friend and other students), as there was a Business exam AS WELL in the morning! I don't have anything from the assembly as of yet except for a video that my teachers make every year for the leaving students. This years theme was Gangnam Style, I'll post it later!

So, Barcelona...

it was all so beautiful...

upside down meeeeeeeeee!

idk what happened here

the kiddy ride in Sesame Street *puts on cool glasees*

experimenting with fringe. didn't work

girly times in Barcelona
now for the freaky people...

I will never forget Lyndon and the people there, especially the ones who mean so much to me.Thanks for a good time, guys

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Finished School!

Hey guys :) I hope you're all ok
So, I finished school today, officially. I have been in study leave for the past few weeks, but as of today I am now completely and utterly free and can do whatever I want until September when I start college. This is such an amazing feeling!

I wasn't even well enough to do one of my exams last week (Science) As you can see here, I wasn't very happy. All of that work over the past five years came down to this exam and then I couldn't do it. I wouldn't call it a waste though.

The sad thing is that some of my friends still have exams to do so won't be available to hang out that much until they've finished. So I guess I'm kinda alone until then. One of my best friends has finished though, and the other one just has one more exam left on Monday. Boyfriend's got one on Tuesday and then they're all free :)

Most of my friends that have finished have gone home to burn their uniforms, but I don't get why they want to do that. School wasn't exactly the best set of days for me, and I guess there was actually more bad times then good, (only because my school was rubbish ;) , but I want to keep the memory of my uniform, mostly my tie and blazer. I don't know why but I want to remember.

So when do you guys finish your exams?

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Wednesday 12 June 2013

This song always reminds me of how great life is and about all the good times.