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Friday 14 June 2013

Post School Blues...

So as I posted earlier, I have now left school! These are some photos from my school years and last days... Sorry that it's going to be quite long but I love these.

Last School Days

some of my last days at Lyndon

(boyfriend in the background, photo bombing)

me and the boyfriend :p

Barcelona Trip 2013

Every year, my school takes pupils to Barcelona. This was my last ever trip with school and commenced on my final day at school. This was difficult as there was the school leavers assembly for the year 11's and then the Barcelona trip. This day was real hard to do for some people (my boyfriend, friend and other students), as there was a Business exam AS WELL in the morning! I don't have anything from the assembly as of yet except for a video that my teachers make every year for the leaving students. This years theme was Gangnam Style, I'll post it later!

So, Barcelona...

it was all so beautiful...

upside down meeeeeeeeee!

idk what happened here

the kiddy ride in Sesame Street *puts on cool glasees*

experimenting with fringe. didn't work

girly times in Barcelona
now for the freaky people...

I will never forget Lyndon and the people there, especially the ones who mean so much to me.Thanks for a good time, guys

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